Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on December 3, 2003, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Offices.


                   PRESENT:             JOEL TRAN, CHAIR

                                                SAMUEL SOLOMON, VICE CHAIR

                                                REGINA MANISCALCO, CLERK

                                                ELI HAUSER

                                                PETER O’CAIN, ASST. TOWN ENGINEER


Business Transacted:


I.                Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the November 12, 2003, meeting were reviewed and accepted with corrections.




So. Walpole Street, Estate of Elizabeth Goddard, applicant.  Three parcels were being divided into five parcels.  Each lot contained approximately 73,000 sq. ft., to accommodate a four bedroom home.  These parcels are part of the area that is being considered for rezoning.  If the rezoning articles are approved, these lots remain residential lots for three years.


Upon further review, it was noted that not all the owners of record had signed the application.  Therefore, Ms. Maniscalco moved to authorize DPW Superintendent Eric Hooper to sign the plans as Board agent when the signatures of the other owners are obtained.  If they are not obtained, the plans should be disapproved, also signed by Mr. Hooper.  Seconded by Mr. Solomon and unanimously voted.




                                                                 Administrative Assistant



Minutes of Meeting                               Page Two                         December 3, 2003








The following adjustments were made to the plan, per the conditions of approval, and reviewed by Mr. O’Cain, who indicated the plans were complete and ready for endorsement:

·       Basin details added;

·       Street sign detail added to plans;

·       Added hydrant to plans per water dept. request;

·       Provided $2,880.00 to the Town’s tree fund in lieu of planting trees in the subdivision.


     Mr. Solomon moved to endorse the plans, seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and

     unanimously voted.




Mr. Tran indicated that the DPW report should be reviewed and a member of the Planning Board should also review the proposal and draft a letter to the ZBA with comments and concerns.  Ms. Maniscalco offered to review these materials and draft a Planning Board report.




·       Zoning Changes – Ms. Sharon Wason from the Mass. Audubon Society came in to meet with the Board regarding the proposed zoning changes that will be brought before Town Meeting.  The Audubon just realized that the South Main Street parcel stretches all the way back to South Walpole Street which abuts the Audubon property.

Minutes of Meeting                                Page Three                    December 3, 2003


One of the issues she was concerned about was that site plan review does not apply to new businesses, alteration or change of use.  Therefore, she suggested that the new Business D district be added to Sect. to rectify this situation.  Mr. Solomon pointed out that the site plan provision applied only to the center of Town, referring to historic guidelines.


There were also other issues that concerned the Audubon and Ms. Wason was requesting that the Board postpone the Town Meeting to be able to better address these issues.  Mr. Hauser said that in his opinion, many of the issues raised by Audubon were covered and we would make additional changes at a future Town Meeting.  These articles will go to vote on Monday, the 8th, at Town meeting and cannot be postponed at this point.   It was noted at this point that the language Ms. Wason was referring to had been changed, and that she was working with the original language as printed in the Warrant.  Some of the issues she raised had already been addressed in the revisions.


Mr. Tran also explained that many of the issues raised by Ms. Wason would be addressed in the Special Permit process the applicants would have to go through to be able to build what they wanted.  The ZBA would have control over what goes in.


Ms. Wason said that one issue of concern was the front set backs, which in her opinion were not appropriate.  If a greater setback with a larger buffer zone could be required, it would be more acceptable.  Mr. Tran answered that the setbacks and illumination would be dealt with at the special permit process – the ZBA would have control over what would be allowed.


Another area of concern for the Audubon was allowing apartments over commercial or retail buildings.  Mr. Solomon answered that while the Board was trying to avoid single-family developments, the diversity of apartments would be acceptable.



Minutes of Meeting                                       Page Four             December 3, 2003


Mr. Hauser addressed what he saw as the three major issues raised by Ms. Wason on behalf of the Audubon.  First, with a 15% impervious surface constraint, you will not get a building that is inappropriate and having to get a Special Permit will insure more control.  Second, what would improve the language for the articles could be addressed at the May Town Meeting, where the Planning Board could put in additional constraints that would address any additional Audubon concerns.  Third, a set of design guidelines could be drafted by the Planning Board for the ZBA of what the Board would like to see addressed under the Special Permit. 


·       Government Study Committee – Mr. Solomon moved to appoint Samuel Zisblatt as the Planning Board’s appointment to the Government Study Committee, Seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and unanimously voted.


V.               There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.